it can be a good concept that parents ought to know some pieces of information before starting a family by engaging in some classes, which are relevant to children caring, in my standpoint, it does not guarantee successful upbringing.
For one thing, there are some reasons why it may not be a proper blueprint for all the community members. Linking Words
, because of the fact that each family has been brought up according to different cultures, even if they take part in these kinds of courses it can not cover all the parts. Linking Words
In addition
, parents tend to nurture their children according to their Linking Words
interests and attitudes not just a bunch of theories. Correct quantifier usage
, Linking Words
these classes can enhance mothers' and fathers' awareness to a great extent, it is likely to be arduous to enforce Linking Words
knowledge. Linking Words
For example
, because parents are either dual_income or overworked, it proves pretty hard to attend to new information that has recently been taken.
For another thing, when it comes to compulsory activities, it might be said that how to oblige individuals to partake in a certain course so that it does not have a reverse result. In another word, it may have some irrecoverable consequences on the nation who have just decided to have children, which may have a direct effect on breeding rate in the society. Linking Words
, even though the new generation seems to be inexperienced in that respect, it should not be forgotten that they much prefer to adapt their approach in real-life concerning each situation. Linking Words
For instance
, when their child is badly_behavied they can adjust themselves to a new position, which suits the whole family best.
In conclusion, considering that each family has brought up in different culture, being difficult to enforce these methods, and being unpleasant for society to do something against their will, in my opinion, it would be better to be optional.Linking Words