It is often that
has the power to unite and connect nation , regardless of their cultural background or ages. I completely agree with Use synonyms
view and will give my reasons below.
Linking Words
can certainly reach across cultural and national boundaries and bring the community together. Perhaps , the best example of Use synonyms
would be the Live aid concerts that took place back in the 1955s and , which were broadcast to a global audience. Two lives events were held at the same time in the UK and US and , the objective was to raise funds for famine relief in Ethiopia. The concerts were a huge success both on the numbers of the crowd around the world who watched the events and the great impact on international public awareness of famine. Linking Words
,I believe, none of them could be happening without Linking Words
More than that, singing is an art that everyone enjoys listening to who could be teenager, adult or elder age which would help to reduce the generation and age gaps between people. Use synonyms
For instance
, when the national anthem is played all people of different ages have the same emotions which are patriotism and their unity become stronger than ever before. Linking Words
, the same emotions would be when melody evokes Linking Words
as love , sadness and so on which is because of the positive impact of soul in our life
In conclusion, Linking Words
is unique in its capacity to create a shared experience between people all over the world despite their ages or culture .Use synonyms