As technology becomes more accessible nowadays, most individuals take advantage of
to discuss their health issues online, Linking Words
of seeing a licensed medical practitioner in person. In my opinion, it is a positive development as it being convenient Linking Words
as time, money and energy. But it has some disadvantages as well which I will discuss Linking Words
in my essay.
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To begin
with, one of the most important reason is high - cost consultation taken by hospitals and often charges unnecessary series of test to the patient. Linking Words
, for mild cases Linking Words
as fever, headache, stomachache and cough people use technology to seek advice from native or foreign experts. Linking Words
gives convenience to them and can save up money for medical examinations. Linking Words
, before going to a health institution a person is required to make an appointment and wait in the queue to see the doctor which is time and energy-consuming.
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On the other hand
, there is a high risk for misdiagnosis a head-to-toe physical assessment of the person is not performed in an online consultation. Linking Words
, serious complications might arise. Linking Words
For example
, for a patient experiencing chest tightness, immediate attention should be provided and get proper care and treatment by sending to a medical facility, seek an expert practitioner to do a visual check and perform some test. Linking Words
, people with eye problem needs to be examined in a medical institution to rule-out the correct diagnosis and will receive exact medications.
In conclusion, technology has a great role in mankind as it draws everything closer for their comfort and convenience. Linking Words
, the public should be aware that there are certain limitations to Linking Words
provision. People who try to heal their own health and avoid doctors may lead to physical and mental imbalance.Linking Words