One of the consequences of improved medical care is that people are living longer and life expectancy is increasing. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Recently, there have been a lot of changes in medical care due to technology. Because of advancements in the medical field, there has been a rise in the percentage of life expectancy and people are living for a longer span. I believe that despite having some benefits,
trend has more drawbacks which cannot be overlooked. To commence with, there are some demerits of public living longer.
and foremost, a higher expectancy rate means that there will be overpopulation since the death rate will be less.
can create a burden on the government as it will not have a sufficient amount of basic necessities to provide to its residents.
For example
, In India, due to overpopulation, people do not receive basic requirements
as food, clothing shelter and education;
as a result
, it leads to a higher poverty rate of a country.
In addition
, people can struggle to get a job because of high competition,
as a result
unemployment rises.
, it
creates excess expense of pension on the government and private companies.
, there might be some advantages of
trend which can be beneficial to the economy and business. The primary advantage is that the nation can have a better productive workforce as the public not often fall sick;
as a result
, employees will take few holidays and increase efficiency at the workplace.
may help the economy to boost to some extent. Another possible merit is that experienced folk can make better decisions at work, so the more experienced staff will be present the better growth of the business is expected.
For instance
, Ratan tata is the best entrepreneur at the age of fifty-eight and he is known for his decision making for his business to become successful.
, sometimes it can be advantageous. In conclusion, the mortality percentage has reduced in the
few years due to advancements in medical facilities.
has positive effects to some extent but there are more disadvantages of
trend which causes more problems
as overpopulation, unemployment and so on.
Submitted by Mamta on

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