Your friend is thinking about learning to drive and would like some advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • say why a driving licence is advantageous • recommend a driving school • give any extra guidance/tips

Hello, dear Mike. How are you, I hope that everything is going well. Yesterday, I have met your father and he told me that you decided to take a driving
course. I think
is a great idea and you made the right decision. As you know, I have had a driving
for a while and can give some examples of why having a driving
give you more benefits.
, driving by yourself will let you ride everywhere you want and you will not depend on other drivers or asking help.
, you can use your driving
as one of your identity documents. From my side, I can recommend to you a city
Change the spelling
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driving school which is located near the Central Train Station. Recently, my close friend has finished
school and I trusted his opinion. As he told me they are having new cars for driving and a flexible schedule for classes.
, I want to give you one more piece of the tip, please be careful while you will driving a car.
Submitted by poluntsov on

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The Closing

The style of the letter determine how you have to close it.

Check out the suggested closing sentences for each type of letter in the General IELTS Test. The closing sentence should be the last sentence of your letter.

Formal style (To someone you have not met, whose name you don’t know)

  • Yours faithfully,

Semi-formal (To someone you may or may not have met, whose last name you know)

  • Yours sincerely,

Informal (To someone you know well, whose first name you know and use)

  • Best regards,
  • Warm wishes,

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