in particular
countries, the majority of the population has the preference of living in a rental home over owning one. Linking Words
, there are a series of benefits and drawbacks, and Linking Words
essay will discuss both points.
On the one hand, the main disadvantage of not having your own house is that Linking Words
of investment property which is yours, you are paying for a rent a house monthly. Linking Words
For instance
, some people prefer to buy a place for the reason that most of the time, the amount invested in a rental is almost the same as an Linking Words
of a loan. Change the spelling
, some individuals advocate that in the long term view owning a property is a security pilar after retirement.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, others claim that not having a fixed place these days is an excellent benefit. Compared to the past, where owning a house was more economical, today, Linking Words
difference is less dramatic. It enables individuals to live wherever they find attractive and change it whenever is convenient. Linking Words
For example
, during quarantine, most workers started working from home, making it possible to work from any place with an internet connection. Linking Words
As a result
, part of the people living in rental homes decided to move to more pleasant places like the beach or a quiet country town.
In conclusion, it is clear to affirm that renting a home has both pros and cons, and it is up to each individual to evaluate which option fits better with their values and lifestyle.Linking Words