It is irrefutable that in
highly advanced contemporary Era environmental problems is in lead day-by-day.Linking Words
, some are of the opinion that the extinction of specific living creatures is the major problem faced by today's generation. While others say that many other problems should be prioritised over Linking Words
. Linking Words
, I support the latter view as it has a more detrimental impact on both human and animal beings.
On the one hand, people are more concerned about the loss of particular species over many other environmental issues like different types of pollution and global warming.It is undeniable that deforestation will affect all living organisms including humans. Linking Words
, the death of some creatures will affect the food chain as well. Linking Words
For instance
, the loss of flora will lead to unhealthy eating habits among living creatures who depend on flora as the major food source. Linking Words
, it will weaken fauna and will have a greater impact on the food chain. Linking Words
, other environmental problems will have even more impact on everything.
Global warming and pollution Linking Words
as air and water are the major threats to humans as well as animals. Due to global warming, the majority population of the world is suffering from unexpected climate change Linking Words
as floods and drought. Linking Words
For instance
, in a city in Canada, over a hundred people died due to the sudden heatwave.Linking Words
On the other hand
, pollution is resulting in the death of many at a slow pace. Linking Words
For example
, 70% of the world is comprised of water and hampering these will result in the destruction of the world.Linking Words
In addition
, the contaminated air is causing breathing difficulties and other respiratory diseases.
To conclude, I reiterate that,many other environmental issues is important than the loss of specific species.whereas, the protection of animals and plants Linking Words
deserve importance.Linking Words