Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems,as well as practical problems. To extent do you agree or disagree

Staying in a nation where you ought to interact with others in a foreign
can impact not only serious issues but
troubles them in practical ways.I
agree with it and will discuss it
. To initiate with,hard to communicate with other people which is the prime reason.
In other words
,people are unable to comprehend that country's
and due to that,they perhaps start arguing with each other and put themselves in a critical condition.
For example
,in Spain,my brother got into some massive dispute with them as he was trying to explain them and so as to obtain correct information but unfortunately,they had to face cops.
, not being familiar with any of the nation's proper
,may create major issues with different communities.
On the other hand
,lack of knowing the writing style which is the
reason.To elaborate,if a person is not able to write in a
they cannot speak it.Since speaking and writing may be connected with each other,it becomes challenging to some extent to living with it as well as arduous to study there.Because of that,it may be impossible for infants to experience great education as they cannot grasp anything.
For instance
,my brother went to Canada for
study but after spent six months,he came back as he could not speak or write it well.
, spending life in an unknown country may be required a little bit of
sense which offers remarkable advantages. To sum up,from the point mentioned above,despite the fact that individual still can stay in the country without having no knowledge about
and may raise no obstacles,having good speaking skills, assist them in judicious ways.
Submitted by samson on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • linguistic proficiency
  • cross-cultural communication
  • miscommunication
  • social integration
  • linguistic alienation
  • cultural dissonance
  • language acquisition
  • communication breakdown
  • interpreter services
  • language courses
  • bilingualism
  • multilingualism
  • language barrier
  • effective communication
  • cultural assimilation
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