Many museums charge for admission, while others are free. Do you think advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

The museum is one of the best places to recollect our old memories and we should save, secure and transfer those ancients
to the
generations too.
a fair amount of people believes that a little bit of change is required to enter the museum. I totally agree with
statement as
payment would help to develop those buildings and monthly maintenance as well. To embark on,
are helping us to learn more about our past and their
, whatever we have traditions and customs in the advanced society those all were learnt by these
, a little bit of payment may help them to keep the environment safe and tidy.
On the other hand
, considering the present changes in the global market, we must contribute and save our grandfather memories for which we may need to assign the budget. It means that nobody will help without pay and we should pay to some groups to secure our
and traditions.
For instance
, Stanley Park charging 5$ of entry fees which are helping them to clean their environment. As per recent Google survey findings, 90% of
are charging their public to get into the
and play inside.
, undoubtedly, there are some limitations while paying money to the museum management.
as few leaders are making comments about why cannot the government take the responsibility to take care of daily activities. The other newspapers publishing their news with why should public pay money to local bodies? Considering the all current equations the government should take whole responsibility for those
. As the public need to pay the amount and
they may not show interest to learn about old customs and
and eventually there our traditions may disappear in our society. To sum up, one must have basic respect towards our
. whatever we are paying the amount that goes to the protection of our
and it may help to our
generations to understand more about old life.
Submitted by tejakondapalli88 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Admission fee
  • Revenue stream
  • Maintenance
  • Overcrowding
  • Commercialization
  • Cultural heritage
  • Diverse attendance
  • Community ownership
  • Access to culture
  • Visitor experience
  • Exhibit quality
  • Cultural mission
  • Reliance on funding
  • Government subsidies
  • Cultural accessibility
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