There are plenty of casual jobs as well as stable jobs. As well, there are workers looking for a place to set their foot in and stay with
certainAdd an article
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tranquilityChange the spelling
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,Remove the comma
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or enjoy life at
having the
as an option that can be changed as it suits. In
essay, I will go through both points of
viewsFix the agreement mistake
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, and explain why I believe having a
that gives you stability might overcome the
a Remove the article
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casual work.
Even though
,Remove the comma
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working casually appears to be the best option, there is a chance that, in long term,
decision will be
objectAdd an article
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. Is common for young adults to opt
onChange preposition
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casual work
,Remove the comma
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gives them
freedomAdd an article
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to stay or leave whenever they want without worry
withChange preposition
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thatCorrect pronoun usage
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they are leaving behind. It
allowChange the verb form
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to decide on
careerAdd an article
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and make mistakes as much as they can.
, past the
of professional years, there is not a sustainable option, especially if you have plans of having a family in the future or if you want to have money to do things you enjoy.
It can, definitely, be boring to stay at one specific
your whole career but the financial
that comes with
far worth it. The choice of having
a Correct article usage
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work that keeps you calm and stable can leave your mind
of Change preposition
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onChange preposition
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what is needed to be done
to pay for your meal,
. With
, the need to provide for your family is bigger than the importance of feeling the
in your life. Having a profession that you have nothing to worry about, allows you more
to enjoy your hobbies and leisure
with family and friends.
In conclusion, having a
full Add a hyphen
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allows you to have the
it was once the goal, but in a different form. Being able to provide for family and yourself should always be the
, if you are successful in your career, it can
givesChange the verb form
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your way more than just that. The real liberty is to be able to do what you want in your free
as travelling or going out with friends without needing to count the coins to pay for it.