Living in a country where you have to speak in a foreign language can cause serious social problems as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Do you have difficulty writing a to what extent do you agree or disagree essay?

It is a known fact that
is significant to successful communication. Residing in a region where it is obligatory to converse in a different
can cause adverse complications socially and practically. In
essay, I will be writing about the reasons why it is problematic to live in a country where you would not be able to speak in your native tongue, before arriving at a conclusion. One major disadvantage is that the confidence of a person may be greatly affected.
For instance
, a young boy, who is not literate in English, is set to study and settle in the United States of America.
, he may perform poorly in his academics, compared to his classmates, because he cannot express his personal views on certain subject matters well.
learning a foreign dialect can be advantageous, it may still take a lot of effort for the student.
In addition
, not being aware of the native
can attract the risks of danger.
For example
, a United Kingdom citizen who chose to travel to the Philippines, without knowing the basic dialect in the region, can attract thieves as well as fraudsters. Some locals would take advantage of foreigners who cannot understand the meaning of certain words. In conclusion, people who reside in a country where it is mandatory to communicate through their local
can cause major drawbacks. I personally agree with
not only because it can affect one’s ability to communicate, but
because it can increase the probability of coming close to dangerous circumstances.
Submitted by ysabela_nasol on

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