Few individuals who have been to a penal institution eventually transform into amiable countrymen and it is many a time debated that these are the best persons to converse to a youngster about the repercussion of committing a felony. I strongly agree with the statement as there is no better person to advocate
subject than a reformed ex-convict who clearly understands the bearings of one’s actions.
The world is full of different people coming from various socioeconomic backgrounds and children are often found to be soft targets for criminal activities, especially the teens.Young teens are the most vulnerable group, as during Linking Words
period is where they begin to explore the new horizons of individual freedom. During Linking Words
period, juveniles develop a huge disregard for rules which often leads them to explore dangerous paths. In Linking Words
scenarios, awareness programs are a key contributor in educating these youngsters. Linking Words
For instance
, a recent study done in California by researchers has found that increased frequency of awareness programs Linking Words
lead to many amiable teenagers in the city.
Add the particle
, if these study workshops are conducted by an ex-convict will rather be highly beneficial for the students to learn from their shared experiences. Since, the reformed prisoners Linking Words
lead a past life disregarding system rules, will naturally be able to mitigate through these young minds with ease, whereas a person coming from a meticulous background may not achieve it.Its believed that the younger generation takes serious conscience when taught from real-life experiences. Some culprits while serving their sentence many times reflect on their past actions and come out of the facility as gracious humans. Add the particle
, their past expertise in the field of felonies makes them great advocates for overcoming potential dangers. Linking Words
For example
, a recent article published in the Washington Post reports that programs conducted by ex-prisoners helped the local students from falling prey to treacherous criminal activities in their neighbourhood. Linking Words
, Linking Words
clearly shows that lessons from these citizens were advantageous.
In conclusion, I fully support the idea of reformed culprits educating the teenagers on how to prevent themselves from committing a felony provided the school administration take necessary steps ensuring implementation of their ideas and suggestions into the school curriculum.Linking Words