Some people think it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that girls and boys benefit more from attending mixed schools. Which education system do you think is better? Why? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Most countries these days give parents an option to choose either a co-educational school or a single-sex school.
most people prefer mixed
, some believe that girls and boys in separate
are of many benefits.
, I personally support co-education. In
essay, I will discuss my notes on
topic while providing reasons and relevant examples.
, on one hand, students from single-sex education format are believed either to be less comfortable around the opposite gender or desperate to explore. Which in my opinion is not an advantage either way.
In addition
have fewer options in comparison.
For instance
, boys
might not focus on arts and crafts which is believed to be a girl thing, whereas, girls
may not have as many sports options.
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not all one gender institutes do
formatting, it can be observed as a common practice in many. These are a few reasons that may be of concern.
On the other hand
, youngsters' of the present generation are free-spirited and should not be bound to limitations. Accepting all genders should be normalized from the initial stages of our lives and
can be easily achieved with the help of mixed
For example
, gender equality and understanding your fellow human. A boy from co-ed might better empathize with a women's problems in comparison to homosexual
As a result
, it directly affects a safer and much more kind environment for our generations to live
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To conclude, I do not bash on the
school construction;
, I personally feel having grown in all kinds of genders will help a child's mind for gaining a wider perspective of life.
, all education providers are capable to carve our offsprings but it is the responsibility of the parents to make wiser decisions and choose appropriately.
Submitted by divya6112 on

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