Government investment in the art, such as music and theaters is a waste of money. Government must invest this money in public services instead. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

In recent years, creative industries
as cinema and music have become a popular growing trend. While some people believe that state authorities should not be investing in
areas and focus on social services, I would agree partially, as I believe it needs to be a mixed emphasis on the
of the economy. On one hand, humans are equipped with various skills which include artistry or becoming a good actor in the cinema line. These skills need to be nurtured by providing enough support or else they will disappear. Cultivating the ability needs to start from a young age and continuous encouragement should be given, ensuring it becomes a good career path. Government should promote the
of the art and music industry in a way so that it is profitable for those who are involved in it.
will help to provide various job opportunities and youngsters will be keen to jump into it,
elevating the economy.
For instance
, cinema has been one of the top industries for many countries while providing plenty of job opportunities.
On the other hand
, public infrastructures, and services are deemed to be the basis of a state. Without proper facilities, a nation will not be able to run efficiently.
For instance
, how will any industry thrive if there are no proper basic needs
as road, electricity, and water?
, if there is no attention given by officials, investors will tend to look for alternatives, which will be disastrous for the
of a country. In conclusion, the governing authority should always plan their budget
which gives importance to the basics of society and allocates for the
of creativity in their state.
Submitted by vinesh82 on

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