Immigration has a major impact on the society. What are the main reasons of immigration? To what consequences can it lead?

These days,
has been a remarkable issue bringing a large number of negative effects on the community in general. There are 2 prime causes leading to unstable society all over the world and I will explain them below. It is an undeniable fact that sudden changes in the population of a nation are affected by government policies that are deemed useless and ineffective to meet
's needs.
For example
, in the 20th century, a considerable flow of citizens in East Germany who were controlled by unnecessary strict rules of the government secretly move to West Germany at night and a lot of them were killed. The fundamental right of
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is to pursue a satisfying life and happiness, as a matter of fact, that enormous
occurring is obvious. Another explanation for
negative problem is the desire to reach farfetched life targets
as prosperity or luxurious life in another country,
for instance
, it was an obsession of USA President Donald Trump was attempting to build the wall to halt the flow of immigrated
from Mexico.
alarming fact leads to some unexpected consequences accumulating the upward trend in the number of social crimes. Studies have indicated that 20% of crimes in the USA originating from illegal
activities that widen the entrance for uneducated
and dangerous crimes.
As a result
, it will spoil the safety of other true citizens and make society an untrustworthy place.
, with the lack of a qualified workforce, the strength of the economy is threatened and
must pay high-end taxes to recover. Overall, the disadvantages of
far outweigh that of benefits and are actually a nightmare with any host countries In conclusion, there are a lot of plausible explanations making
problem more clearly and its results are completely negative. In the foreseeable future, I confidently believe we can address
problem and even take advantage of it.
Submitted by lamnguyenphuc03 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Economic migration
  • Asylum seeker
  • Diaspora
  • Expatriate
  • Refugee status
  • Work permit/visa
  • Demographic shift
  • Naturalization
  • Xenophobia
  • Cultural assimilation
  • Multiculturalism
  • Social cohesion
  • Immigration policies
  • Border control
  • Undocumented immigrants
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