Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

of choice should be allowed to
or not is a highly controversial topic in society. Some section of the society believes that if
are given liberty in taking decision regarding the day-to-day activities it is possible that they will centralize themselves, while others are of the belief that it is significant to give
the privilege to take their own decision. I opine with the latter view. On one hand, some people think that if a child is given excessive
to choose about everyday matters, it is likely that it will result in individualism. It is true that if
are not guided at an early age about the matters like what to eat or what to wear and which shows to watch,
they will have a negative impact on their personality and he or she will become selfish and will not think about the consequences resulting out of the act performed by them.
As a result
, they will grow up to be a self-centric person.
For instance
, In the western countries parents allow their
to take own decisions and don't guide them,
tend to not obey and they do not think about other's opinion.
On the other hand
, many people believe that
should be given the
to choose and act. It is necessary for the parents to allow their
to take decisions after a certain age as it will make them think out of the box and make them feel confident in their life.
For example
, if parents have exercised reasonable control on the child at their developmental stage
they will possess important leadership skills like decision making. To conclude, though the majority of the people think that
should be kept in control and not allowed to take necessary decisions I believe that as human beings they should have the
of choice and they should
be under the supervision of their guardians.
Submitted by rathodshreya2000 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Autonomy
  • Consequence-awareness
  • Self-centered
  • Informal decision-making education
  • Child development
  • Age-appropriate choices
  • Cognitive growth
  • Fostering independence
  • Parental guidance
  • Societal norms
  • Interpersonal consideration
  • Balance of freedom
  • Individualism versus collectivism
  • Experience-based learning
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