Since the industrial revolution, technology has spread around the globe, improving and communication among different peoples. Following
, the media occupied an important spot as an information distributor and facilitator, trying their best to collect data to inform the population without choosing sides. The paragraphs below will outline a complete agreement with the above-mentioned statement, giving reasons to explain it.
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To begin
with, I believe people are constantly having access to whatever means of communication consider is right, which unconsciously persuade them to validate what had been exposed. To illustrate, using a personal example, I am not a political knowledgeable individual, Linking Words
, due to the important political moment my country is facing, I have acquired plenty of information in Tv journals and in advertisements on Instagram. Because of Linking Words
fact, the opinion I have built is based on the side of the story I have had contact with, which is the media's. Linking Words
, by working as an entertainment tool as well, these tech tools alter their persuasions with treats, which make individuals accept the controlling easily and unnoticed.
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, I think that buying televisions or installing Wi-fi at home have become items of necessity, almost a minimum to survive, which guarantees its power over viewers. Linking Words
For instance
, even indigenous communities have accepted outside news from radios or cellphones, due to being threatened and endangered people. Linking Words
, these means of communication are so deep inside all kinds of individuals that it is difficult to reverse the situation where their opinion would not influence others or, at least, be considered untrustworthy.
To conclude, I strongly agree that the combination of constancy and necessity maintains the media's controlling over people attitudes and opinions, and Linking Words
makes it difficult to do Linking Words
. The best to be done in Linking Words
situation is to aware individuals to look for information from different sources, Linking Words
, avoiding being alienated.Linking Words