It’s undeniable that nowadays people are suffering from several stress-related diseases. In
essay two main causes of stress-related sicknesses will be discussed: poor eating habits at work and the increasing cost of living. The essay will Linking Words
focus on possible solutions to Linking Words
issue, Linking Words
in particular
promoting healthy eating and increasing salaries.
The causes for Linking Words
problem are that, more than ever before, workers eat unbalanced meals, Linking Words
, they struggle with money due to the increasing prices of everyday goods. Linking Words
That is
linked to the explosion of fast-food brands selling cheap but poor food, alongside the hardships of finding healthy products for a convenient price. In fact, a worker can spend less money and time going to Mc Donald’s for lunch break Linking Words
of buying more expensive vegetables and meat in order to prepare his own meals. Linking Words
As a result
, people tend to slack on their own health to save money, which results in slow but steady self-harm, manifesting through illnesses.
To solve Linking Words
, it will be important to increase salaries and promote organic produce stores. Improving workers earnings can give them easier access to better products alongside reducing everyday worries and stress. Linking Words
, an increased number of fresh food restaurants will spread out healthy eating. Linking Words
For instance
, many workers would not struggle to buy fresh products and do their own meal prepping at the weekend so as to save time during the other days of the week. Linking Words
, better earnings and more groceries shops could be an easy fix for ubiquitous work-related diseases.
In conclusion, facing stress-related sicknesses needs stringent solutions. Linking Words
essay discussed how poor eating habits and low incomes could be the basis of Linking Words
unmet need, whereas higher retributions and easily accessible fresh food stores could be the instant solutions.Linking Words