It is considered that when people consume information by reading they stay active in
data and imagining it whereas watching TV programs and movies does not bring Correct your spelling
impact of being active on our brains. Linking Words
essay will provide some reasons that cause Linking Words
effect on our improvement and my personal opinion that I completely agree with Linking Words
Linking Words
of all, when a person reads books or other sources of information, one has to active one's capacity to imagine the scripts or data that are read. When people read, as an example, novels they tend to perceive the texts through their imagination that has a great development of our capacity to imagine whereas watching video content does not require Linking Words
Correct pronoun usage
us to
to turn
on our imagination because all pictures are presented on a screen. Change the verb form
For example
, many years ago I set the habit to read articles every day and, Linking Words
as a result
, it helped me to improve my ability to analyse a lot of information by making concepts in my mindset.
Another remarkable advantage of reading is that we always tend to expand our vocabulary. People who read a lot usually encounter new words, collocations and explanations on a regular basis that they can use in presenting their ideas or whatever. Linking Words
For instance
, reading a lot of different sources helps me so much with preparation for presentations because I can use a wide range of vocabulary. Linking Words
In other words
, it is always at ease to explain your ideas if you cultivate new words.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that reading is the best way to improve imagination and ability to be clear in explanations Linking Words
that is
why I completely agree with a topic statement. Linking Words
, I consider that Linking Words
activity has to be done on a regular basis.Linking Words