In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem?

Despite the development made in agriculture, many people around the universe are still hungry.
essay will discuss the cause and solution to the problem. The agricultural sector has seen robust growth but there is still a hunger crisis because of the lack of proper storage facilities.
, in the sixteenth century, farm mechanization was not rampant so there was little farming produce,
, nowadays there is sophisticated equipment use in planting crops, but storage houses are very scanty. The existing store-homes have depreciated over the years.
For instance
, in 2010, the agricultural products harvested from Ecuador could not stand the test of time because of the poor storehouse system.
As a result
, there was widespread famine and
spoilage of goods in the nation.
, proper facilities to keep crops was not enough.
, the solution to counter hunger in many homes is for the government to building and refurbish store centres. The storerooms for cash crops should be renovated and well equipped with modern tools by the government,
will help in the preservation of harvests and
more caravans to keep good should be constructed in different regions of the country.
For example
, in 2019, Brazil builts and renew about thirty thousand coaches for storing perishable foods,
help cut down the rate of starvation in the nation.
, storehouses helped keep goods safe and
reduce hunger. In conclusion, in spite of the tools used for agriculture, building and renovation of storage sites will help eradicate starvation
Submitted by Emmanuelodachi on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • inequality
  • distribution
  • access to resources
  • climate change
  • natural disasters
  • political factors
  • economic factors
  • agricultural practices
  • infrastructure
  • transportation
  • population growth
  • education
  • knowledge
  • food waste
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