Contemporarily, with the aid of technological advancement, not only can students learn with teachers directly, but
they can study without tutors from a great distance. I contend that it is still better that they interact forthwith Linking Words
of education via the media.
Each of these methods has its own benefits that conceivably enhance our lives. Linking Words
, offline classes help instructors to catch up with the study status of learners by viewing them respectively, while online lessons allow them to save an amount of time. Linking Words
, streaming courses make pupils store documents effectively, and writing down the lecture gets children memorized more acutely. To be more specific, we can use the screen capture function for storage comfortably. Linking Words
By contrast
, according to BBC reports, people who use writing methods absorb knowledge more elaborately.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, each of these approaches leads to a variety of drawbacks for students as well as educators. The most serious issue of online instruction is the possibility of causing a range of misconceptions. To talk about traditional classes, the waste of time when there are a number of mentees questioned about concepts that they have just received is Linking Words
a crucial problem to be considered. Linking Words
, Linking Words
the classical procedure for the curriculum is not as convenient as online lessons, the latter one is dependent on Internet status and facilities. Linking Words
For example
, rainy weather can bring unsteady network access. In my opinion, the communication between the learners and pedagogues is the most appreciable bond in education, I am convinced that traditional regular offline teaching technique probably instructs beginners on the right way.
In conclusion, two means of education carry their own advantages and hindrances, which relies on the financial conditions and situations of individuals. Linking Words
, the initial way of knowledge transmission is the optimal path compared to the remaining.Linking Words