Over the past few years, there has been a heated debate about whether goods are becoming more non-returnable.
essay will discuss the underlying factors and the consequences of Linking Words
pattern of purchasing.
One of the Linking Words
problems is the idea that modern technology contributes drastically to the rapid pace of manufacturing, in which goods are being mass-produced with a larger capacity. Linking Words
For example
, owing to the industrial revolution, many food products nowadays are highly processed under the supervision of factories Linking Words
as jambon and ham, in replacement of the conventional form of cooking. Linking Words
, in turn, leads to more supplies than the needs of consumers. Another problem Linking Words
that is
worth mentioning is that, historically, there had been a monopoly in the role of processing, not many competitors emerged in the market. Linking Words
, there would not occur any diversity in the choice of consumption and purchasers had to stick to one brand name only. To clarify, in the past, Nestle was considered the leading opponent in the milk segment, Linking Words
, the role of Linking Words
brand is being surpassed by other newly-emerged companies Linking Words
as Oatly, Carla, etc.
Linking Words
behaviour of consumption results negatively in many aspects, including the environment and the consumer themselves. Linking Words
, when having a huge amount of goods in the market, it is equivalent to the amount of waste that manufacturers may impose on the surroundings. Linking Words
For instance
, many instant plastic bottles used for mass production are being discarded in the Pacific Ocean, creating an inhabitable environment for marine creatures. Linking Words
, consumerism might impact contrarily to the sense of belonging when a person owns a product. To illustrate, when dolls and toys are ubiquitous on the supermarket aisle, kids will not have a chance to value and keep their toys in a long run compared to kids in the past decade. Linking Words
As a result
, the creation of insensitivity in children might be probable.
To conclude, the fast pace of consumption can be rooted in many culprits exposed by the emergence of technology, as well as the competitiveness of many manufacturers in modern society. Linking Words
pattern will incongruously affect the environment and the emotion of a human being.Linking Words