Certain educational professionals opine that it would be advantageous if teenagers start commanding a foreign language at primary levels
of secondary schools. I strongly condemn the statement, as kids are already over-burdened by the existing education system. Linking Words
, we will discuss the drastic impact of Linking Words
on children and Linking Words
, we will explain how it is going to be a bane rather than a boon.
Linking Words
To begin
with, students nowadays are facing immense societal along with performance pressure and implementing the above-stated idea would definitely add fuel to fire. Linking Words
, it would be expecting a lot from a six years old boy to become multi-lingual. We should not forget that primary schools were established to nurture kids by enhancing their creativity, not to convert their brains into pressure cookers. Linking Words
For instance
, my niece went to a public junior creche and learnt moral as well as ethical values, whereas her brother later went to a convent primary school but could not perform well in exams as was crushed under a load of multiple activities. Linking Words
, it is evident that junior age is to cherish the lovely time, which should not be spoiled by adding unnecessary activities to it.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, it is no doubt that language is a wine over lips, but teenage is not an appropriate time to taste Linking Words
drinks. Linking Words
, there is a limited scope of learning a non-native speech, which at least cannot be decided at a young age. Linking Words
For example
, I learnt French in my school, but after growing up, I opted for a profession that has no scope in France. Linking Words
, we have a facility of Google translator in case we need to communicate if we are travelling to a foreign destination or talking to them. Linking Words
, we certainly can say that the purview of learning an additional language is reducing with the emerging technology and is turning out to be a useless asset for everyone.
To conclude, looking at the negatives and limited worth of any new lingual, Linking Words
ideology would be unfair for toddlers to acquaint themselves with an overseas speech. I do believe that the disadvantages definitely outweigh the advantages.Linking Words