New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

It is true that sophisticated advances in electronic devices have altered how youngsters spend their spare
essay will examine the pros and cons of devoting free
to utilize electronic gadgets by young people. There are some evident drawbacks of spending
in front of the screen. One of the most negative sides is that myriad
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are keen to play computer games rather than taking part in outdoor activities.
That is
to say, staying all their free
to enjoy games, they are faced with terrible consequences of a sedentary lifestyle from their young ages.
For example
, the issue of being obese among youth has become a global problem. Another disadvantage is that chatting with a friend is one of the most common pastimes. What I mean is that majority of children prefer to communicate via social networking websites, which leads to a lack of face-to-face interaction.
, they are unable to make friends in the real world and communicate with their peers one-to-one.
, one obvious advantage of using technologically advanced in their free
is that youth are able to find any information.
In other words
, they have got an opportunity to gain more profound knowledge if they are interested in certain areas.
For example
, there are more genius children who are experts in their fields, getting scholarships in prestigious universities
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Harvard, Oxford, and Yale.
, there is an array of professions for creative young citizens. With help of electronic devices, they might experience professions including a vlogger or a cyber athlete in order to find those
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that suit them. To sum up, the hobbies of children have changed due to the fact of technological development.
, I believe that youth might benefit from utilizing high-tech devices with help of parental control.
Submitted by bibigul.k94 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Digital literacy
  • Cyberbullying
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Inappropriate content
  • Self-learning
  • Screen time
  • Social inequality
  • Enhanced communication
  • Creative expression
  • Educational resources
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