Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person's culture and character from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

Some commentators state that the way an individual
portrays the culture and the personality of that person to the observers. I wholeheartedly agree with
notion though some may argue
essay will elucidate the reasons behind my perspective with examples. The
reason behind my argument is that citizens of some religious nations tend to avoid clothes that reveal skin especially from the chest area to above the knee. Due to their tradition and conservative nature, they mostly pick attire
as long pants or dresses and long-sleeve shirts. In fact, some still
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in their traditional costume on a daily basis,
for example
, Indian women who
in a sari. Another factor is the preference or avoidance of certain colours, which the most suitable quintessence would be Chinese
who refrain from wearing black unless they are grieving and particularly wear red or white when they are celebrating an occasion.
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a choice
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of clothes may display the nature of someone, whether they like to be fashionable or prefer comfortable clothing.
On the contrary
, it is
true that due to globalization
has evolved over time and became more open-minded about western culture,
, they may not
the same as they used to decades ago.
In addition
, it would be inaccurate to determine a person's character solely based on the way he dresses.
For instance
, dressing in pink cannot be labelled as feminine and wearing shorts does not mean disrespect. To conclude, despite the fact that globalization has influenced civilization to become more broad-minded and that making assumptions about a person based on the apparel is not correct, I personally believe that we can learn up to a certain extent about
from their choice of clothes. Some
still uphold their traditional values by wearing their local attire or
specific colours according to occasions and a portion of
's characters can be deduced from their style.
Submitted by chitsundi on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • attire
  • fashion trends
  • individuality
  • first impressions
  • designer labels
  • social status
  • cultural appropriation
  • dress codes
  • traditional garments
  • sartorial choices
  • symbolism in clothing
  • cultural identity
  • expression of self
  • global fashion industry
  • cultural integration
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