It is often being witnessed that many people are not able to sleep adequately.
essay will not only discuss the reasons behind sleep deprivation but Linking Words
it will mention the ways by which people can get rid of it.
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To begin
, there are physical as well as mental causes behind the lack of sleep. Linking Words
, sound sleep requires us to be physically fit, Linking Words
, most of us do not Linking Words
regularly. Use synonyms
, lack of Linking Words
leads to sub-optimal functioning of the brain, which makes it difficult to catch sleep. Use synonyms
, as the stress levels in our lives are on the rise, sleeping becomes a daunting task since we keep diverting our focus to various trivial issues in day to day life. A recent survey by Time magazine revealed that 70% of the respondents believed that stress is the biggest cause of sleep deprivation.
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On the other hand
, there are means to tackle sleeping disorders. To start, we must have a daily routine in place, so that we can go to bed at the same time and we can allocate sufficient time to it. That will help immensely by bringing structure, discipline and harmony in the process of catching sleep. Linking Words
, exercising regularly and practising meditation can contribute to our physical as well as mental wellbeing. A recent media report by the Hindu News Agency showed that those who Linking Words
regularly have 94% lesser chances of insomnia.
To conclude, even though the lack of physical Use synonyms
and high levels of stress are making people insomniacs, I think that we can arrest the rise of it through discipline and by being regular at Use synonyms
and by meditating.Use synonyms