Some organisations believe that their employees should dress smartly. Others value quality of work above appearance. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, many companies suggest that their workers should follow a certain
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dress code
, while others view the employees' performances
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as worth
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more consideration
. I believe personal grooming is important to create a good
impression, especially in certain professions like lawyers and doctors.
, I leaned towards the latter opinion as showing exceptional outcomes at my job would be a more desirable trait to have.
essay will discuss both of the aforementioned views extensively as well as provide real-life examples.
To begin
with, well-groomed individuals indirectly suggest their professionalism at
to the public. Many believe that when a person is taking care of his/her own appearance means the individual possess qualities
as being organised. Though not necessarily true, many opportunities come to those who made efforts to be presentable.
, sometimes it is a requirement of their career to adopt a formal style.
For instance
, lawyers are often seen wearing a suit-and-tie at all times. Not only it is mandatory to wear formal
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items of clothing
articles of clothing
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in court, but most lawyers agree that they appear to be trustworthy to their potential clients when they dress professionally.
, from
point of view, it is essential to be smartly dressed, especially when meeting with people external to the company itself.
, focusing on performance results is a more reliable measurement of productivity. Staff members who are able to show their capabilities by achieving outstanding outcomes should be highly valued by their employers.
, they may have contributed positively to the progress of the company itself. Regardless of what outfits they choose to
in, their
quality and results have proven their calibre. As an illustration, Mark Zuckerberg, a highly skilled software engineer and founder of Facebook, is usually seen in a T-shirt rather than a formal suit. Though he chooses to dress casually, he is capable of creating the biggest social media platform in the modern era. In conclusion, there will always be debating views on whether being well-groomed or maintaining high
quality is more important. In my opinion,
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even though
adorning formal outfits can be advantageous when interacting with external parties of a workplace, performing remarkably is the more essential attribute to focus on.
Submitted by florencia.frederica on

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