Since accommodation is a must for everyone, some believe that it is the governments' liability to provide that to the poor stratum of the society without any charges.
essay completely agrees that politicians shouldn't take any step in an attempt to implement free housing for the following two reasons. Linking Words
, Linking Words
kind of initiative will harm the economic stability and cause a decrease in the employment rates, Linking Words
, it will Linking Words
pave the way for a new caste system.
Linking Words
To begin
with, estate agencies constitutes an important part of the modern economy. Any effort to annihilate Linking Words
sector will eventually damage the financial order. Linking Words
, millions of real estate agents will lose their jobs. Linking Words
For example
, the 2008 Mortgage Economic Crisis was eroded Linking Words
as a result
of the order that allows having a house easily. Linking Words
, Linking Words
on the contrary
, many people lost their homes and it took years to remedy. In short, governments shouldn't intervene in the housing system because of its financial risks.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, whenever politicians try to make something works, Linking Words
bribes erodes and those who have connections in the government capitalize on it. Potential exploitation of Linking Words
system can end up in a new caste order. Linking Words
For example
, the Soviet Union tried to establish a structure in that way. Linking Words
, while the members of politburo lived in a city centre, ordinary citizens lived in an urban area with limited resources. In brief, differences need to be created based on people's effort, it shouldn't be constituted by Linking Words
In conclusion, there are debates whether political bodies of the country adjust the housing opportunities. For some reason, both in terms of economic and sociologically, people are ought to be the only decision-maker.Linking Words