some people say for being a prosperous person in a society enjoying the experience in a specific profession is a crucial criterion. I completely agree with
opinion and I will Linking Words
argue the reasons why.
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to begin
with, imagine a company with about a hundred workers who are competing with each other to get paid more because based on the rules of the company, the ones who be more efficient will have higher incomes. naturally, the more experience causes the better operation and those workers with lengthy backgrounds are more likely to win the competition. by developing Linking Words
idea into greater communities, it can be realized that people who have spent more years in businesses have a higher chance to become successful in any society. Linking Words
, there are some other factors that are effective in Linking Words
order Linking Words
as talent together with the amount of effort that individuals put in.
as I mentioned above, another fruitful agent in order to become a favoured person in society and Linking Words
gain an adequate reputation is the susceptibility of doing a particular job. Linking Words
for example
, an obese athlete should endeavour more than a genetically fitter athlete to record the same results as the fitter one. Linking Words
, the latter would lag behind the less fit one if underestimate their competitor and diminish their efforts. Linking Words
in addition
, spending more years doing a job can make it a habit and are inclined to be more dominant.
in conclusion, I believe that being more experienced could be helpful to be a better and more successful person in the world.Linking Words