As more and more people move to cities and as cities expand in size, City life loses its appeal To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

cutting edge era, many individual's are shifting to modern cities,
as a result
, the urban areas are extending to their periphery and decrease their attractiveness. I strongly with
notion and I will articulate some agreement points in the forthcoming paragraphs.
To begin
with, the predominant reason for
phenomenon is that it is making a city unesthetic to watch. More and more people are moving to the metropolis in order to have better job opportunities.
, the estimate has been increasing at an alarming rate so that authorities are unable to provide the facilities for all.
, these migrants start living on the outskirts of the city and make many unauthorised colonies. Due to the lack proper sewage of systems and waste management systems in these areas, many places begin to become open dumping sites and wastewater is
collected on side lands, which not only creates many diseases but
decreases the beauty of the areas.
For instance
, an article published by The Times of India newspaper revealed that the urbanisation percentage has been increased by 30 % in India since the
decade and putting unnecessary pressure on the policymakers of the municipality.
, the appeal of modern towns are alleviating because earlier the centres were considered as a safe place to hang around during night hours but with the advent of the lower working class in major cities, the crime rate has been increased.
an environment is not safe for women and children.
For example
, a report by WHO showed that the crime rate has been increased drastically by 40 % in big municipalities due to migration by nearby villages or other states. In conclusion, I believe that many people moved to a new place in order to have better education and employment.
movements had created various disturbances in these new places by creating pollution and increasing crime.
, I recommend that the government should implement proper policies for
big cities and provide a better environment to live in.
Submitted by ishasharawat2 on

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