Due to development and rapid expansion supermarkets in some countries, many small, local businesses are unable to compete. some people think that the closure of local business will bring about the death of local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Globalisation has brought about an immense change in markets. Major hypermarkets and supermarket chains are now appearing in many major cities, which rival much smaller local
, thereby resulting in the closing of many small
. It is argued that
will bring about the death of local communities, to which I agree and will substantiate my reasoning in the course of
and foremost, small
in a local community, tend to act more like a gathering spot for the band of people.
In addition
, they work on a system of trust, which means that in case you are unable to pay now, the customer can still purchase the product, and make payment the
he comes to the shop.
people may feel that
may give rise to stealing, it is a tried and trusted method and promotes honestly and a sense of comradery amongst the locals of the community.
For example
, in my community, I can purchase vegetables, have a haircut, and even eat at the restaurant which is 5 minutes from my house, and not make the payment immediately.
is because, it is
a tight, well-knit locality, that everyone knows each other, and thereby on previous dealings alone, they can assess the creditworthiness of a person.
, the problem that arises with these
is that they will never have all the items that a person is looking for, which will result in them travelling to many
to complete their shopping.
On the other hand
, if the customers go to a supermarket or a hypermarket, they can get everything under one roof, which is much more convenient, as in
age everyone is struggling for
, many people frequent these malls so that they can shop more, whilst spending less
. The one drawback to
is that there is no trust factor, as with the local
results in much smaller, local
closing down because they are unable to keep up with the popularity of the bigger and brighter supermarkets. In conclusion, I do feel that major supermarkets and hypermarket chains will replace the smaller local
because as the purchasing power of citizens increase, the one thing they are struggling with is
, and
they will shop anywhere where they can save a lot of
Submitted by Nigelvictorlawrence on

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