It is undeniable fact that there is a lot of controversy regarding the subject of the past.Few individuals consider that past has less importance nowadays . While a myriad of crowd argue that it is very essential to learn past for gathering intelligence about the past.
,I partially agree with the affirmation given in the interrogation and some of the prongs are catalogued beneath.
To commence with , several rationales affecting Linking Words
and the leading one for Linking Words
is laziness . When society started learning past through booklet than they feel very lazy because they found learning theory is very boring . Linking Words
For instance
, according to the article published in TOI 80% of the community found reading the text of the past is tedious as it contains lots of data. Linking Words
In addition
to Linking Words
, nations consider that focusing on the future problem is more essential than looking towards the past because they know that no one can change the past but they can change their future by focusing on their career Linking Words
of wasting their time reading essays of past.
On the flip side, we seldom give thought to ponder over the other side of the story . The foremost merit of learning past is to gather wisdom about an ancestor. There are several types of data available in scripts and from Linking Words
many crowds can get knowledge about the past of the ancient public . Linking Words
, the family can learn from the mistake occur in the past . When the crowd read books of the past Linking Words
they get knowledge about mistakes held in past and by learning that they can not be made that mistake in future . Linking Words
For example
, according to the Linking Words
report 70% of mistakes avoid if they can learn the book of the past.
In conclusion,The seemingly inexorable debate about the importance of reading the past can keep going .Remove the comma
, showing the deep reverence for all the aspects and observing the finer nuance for all the matter mentioned above . I espouse the notion for supporting that reading past has provided enormous benefit but the negative side of its is unforgettable.Linking Words