There are argumentative perspectives heating a debate the fact that how to get high achievements. While some hold a strong view that the sole method to gain accomplishments is to get access to college, the opposite makes a statement that it relies on others. While each has its own redeeming features, I would contend that it is optimal to combine both mentioned elements.
Without a shadow of a doubt, getting access to prestigious colleges brings an immense influence on a person’s achievement.
, it is not the sole determinant. For the time being, people are settling in a knowledge-based society. Linking Words
In other words
, the more knowledge they achieve, the more recognition they gain. By attending school, pupils can absorb valuable theoretical insights which establish their knowledge foundation. Linking Words
, they can be well-prepared for their future line of career. Linking Words
, there are more and more leading enterprises that consider Linking Words
degree as a prerequisite to land a job with a potential handsome salary range. If you have a variety of certificate degrees, your chance of getting employment will be easier. Correct article usage
a bachelor
For instance
, in Vietnam specifically, reputed universities Linking Words
as National Economic University, Foreign Trade University provide a bachelor degree that after you graduate, you can apply for a wide range of prestigious companies. Anyway, attending a top-quality college will contribute to your great success in the future.
While the redeeming features of getting access to University are widely acknowledged, it is unfair if those of other factors are ignored. A set of interpersonal skills will attach more importance to gain high achievement. Linking Words
For example
, communication skills can be cited as an outstanding instance. If current job-seekers hone Linking Words
skill to mastery, they can express their ideas accurately. Linking Words
, they can avoid undesirable misunderstandings tense conflicts among colleagues or upper - managers. On top of that education, other elements put a premium on the success of people.
In conclusion, it is clear that attending a prestigious college as well as other elements brings an advantageous impact on the success of one’s career. Linking Words
, the best way is to combine both mentioned factors.Linking Words