In recent years, many small local shops have closed because customers travel to large shopping centre or malls to do their shopping. Is this a positive or a negative development ?

Recently, it is noticeable that most of the small stores shut down because of the fact that people prefer to visit mega stores which are caused harmful effects for those who own little businesses.
, I think it is a highly positive trend due to the contribution to the national economy so, I will outline in
essay why I consider that as a positive development. Generally, large businesses
as malls and major outlets are associated with the economy by reducing the unemployment rate and the amount of tax that they paid annually which increased the benefits of these kinds of places. To be more precise small- local spots are not hiring except one or two citizens compared to a huge shopping centre which always employed a large number of citizens.
For example
, Walmart, which is a huge supermarket in the US, have contributed to the United States economy by 10 per cent
year. As a consequence, individuals became aware of these details and
as a result
, they prefer to make shopping in large centres
of buying their needs from local ones.
On the other hand
, the lifestyle these days is so busy which made families have only a limited time to do shopping.
In other words
, people dedicated the weekends to shop and buying their goods
as a result
of that they always choose to buy their needs from one place rather than choosing a small centre which is have not all their need of products.
For instance
, if the household went to local markets, in most cases they would not find the whole things that they want. In conclusion, large stocks
as malls and major shopping centres became a trend recently because of the tremendous impact on the wealth of the country.
, small stocks are not the best destination for families who want to buy the whole thing in one trip.
Submitted by t.g.alanazi on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • consumer habits
  • retail landscape
  • variety
  • convenience
  • employment opportunities
  • local economy
  • facilities
  • extract
  • community feel
  • entrepreneurship
  • economic diversity
  • traffic congestion
  • environmental issues
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