Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

It is commonly believed that putting an individual who committed a crime behind bars for a long
will motivate them to alter their lifestyle for the better.
, others deem that there are alternative efficient approaches in order to transform offenders.
essay will shed light on these two controversial points of view before expressing my own opinion. On one hand, it is fair enough to punish convicted criminals by confining them to a prison cell for a prolonged
. Undoubtedly, most correctional facilities lack adequate conditions let alone some basic necessities.
, the inability to witness the beauty of nature along with the lives of parents and close relatives might deter a criminal from repeatedly committing misdeeds.
, if an offender is held in jail for a long
, it will decrease the level of current or would-be perpetrations, inasmuch as it will ensure a reduction in the number of negative influencers with a shady past in society.
factor is considered by some to be vital for the sake of our future generations.
On the other hand
, after completing a term of imprisonment a former prisoner may become more perilous for the locality.
, supplying them with food and other basic necessities during their
of penal servitude whilst serving a sentence merely diminishes the federal budget of a country.
, if local authorities in concert with law enforcers could impose the death penalty in order to instil fear into a potential lawbreaker, it would certainly refrain them from making any wrongdoings.
some people may consider it to be immoral and unethical,
law will inevitably normalise the internal conditions of the country.
For example
, in many Arabic countries as the UAE and Saudi Arabia, most egregious crimes are punished by execution, and if we look at the crime statistics for these countries
offences rarely occur there. In conclusion, there is a saying that death solves all problems, so it seems to me that, keeping and feeding a human who deprived another person of their life is unreasonable and detrimental for the current society and future descendants.
, applying
rigorous measures is necessary to retain the lives of other decent human beings.
Submitted by aigulziatdinova29 on

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