IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A number of crime cases still become massive concern for numerous counties in the worldwide. Meanwhile, ongoing arguing regarding the best solution to reduce the scale of the crime still exist nowadays. In my opinion, gi
That belive which is While a group of people think being for a long time period in prison is the best way to fell crimes, one another group believe that there are other solutions to solving this matter; however, in my ow
Whether longer jail time helps diclining crime rate has been a controversial topic recently. This writers argues that education and financial support are better way this address this problem althought some people think t
Crimes are very often happening in every nation. So relevant authorities use various mitigation measures to reduce the crime rate, however, some are still arguing that they should implement a longer prison sentence. Mean
Some people believe that criminal occasions can be reduced by providing extended prison sentences, while others assume that an alternative path of decreasing criminal events will be more effective. The following essay ta
Whether a greater length of imprisonment is the most ideal way to cut back on the number of crimes or not is a highly debatable discussion point. From the writer's perspective, even though spending more time in jail migh
The mitigation of crime rates is becoming a controversial issue, considering its sudden surge worldwide. Numerous people believe that long-term imprisonment is a wise way to tackle crime. Whereas, others Advocate that th
In today's world, alternative sentencing has become more popular than longer prison sentences. While some argue that longer prison sentences burden taxpayers, others contend that community services or proper educational
Some people suppose that longer jail time is the most effective way to prevent those potential criminals from committing crimes; however, some other people suppose that there are alternative methods to decrease crime rat
Longer prison sentences are believed to be an effective method to reduce the number of crimes happening in society, whereas others argue that there is another way to decline the cases. In this essay, I will explain both
The debate over whether longer prison sentences effectively reduce crime or if there are more viable alternatives has been a contentious issue. Some argue that extending prison terms serves as a deterrent, while others p
Nowadays, there is a discourse surrounding crime and societal implications that has generated significant interest in debate and concerns. The assertion that the most effective way to decrease the crime rate is by givin
Crime is a serious and growing problem in most societies. Although many people believe that the best way to tackle this is to place people in prison for longer periods, others are of the opinion that other measures will
Crime is a serious and growing problem in most societies. Although many people believe that the best way to tackle this is to place people in jail for longer periods, others are of the opinion that other measures will be
A portion of society believes that long imprisonment of the guilty is the ideal method to get down the crime rates while the rest argues that there are subsitiute methods to do it. Generally, long punishments waste pro
Some people believe that the solution to crime reduction is to sentence them for longer periods of time. On the other hand, many argue that other methods can be used for a decrease in illegal actions. My belief stands wi
Types of approaches we should make to reduce crime rates have become a topic of widespread debate among society. While some individuals argue that increasing prison sentences' time is the solution, others contend that it
Basically, reducing crime is so important for each society because people who are living in a country must save and feel free. There are different types of crimes that people will face in the future. Obviously, we should
In this modern era, human evolution is drastically increasing which also lead to a problem of larger crime rates. Some folks think that the most accurate method to decline this growing trend is to enforce longer prison t
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