Nowadays, in many rural and semi-urban locations, tiny stores are undergoing closure and are being replaced by supermarts. In my opinion,
is not a good thing for many merchants. Because they undergo tremendous financial crisis as Linking Words
is their only source of income.
Linking Words
, the foremost factor Linking Words
that is
causing the closing is better deals in the wholesale shops. Linking Words
, Linking Words
drives a great stake of citizens away from them as they prefer discounts over retail prices. Linking Words
, it has become a trend now where people buy at the supermarkets rather than from a roadside seller as it lets them flaunt the pictures taken inside the building on social media.Linking Words
For example
, many teenagers are persuading their parents to take them to those massive complexes so that they can take pictures of themselves there. Linking Words
, many Linking Words
factors are causing merchants to go bankrupt.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, choosing wholesales over retailers is beneficial to the customers due to the fact that they can save a significant amount on the bill. Linking Words
As a result
, though these are located very far away people still travel to those places and do shopping. To illustrate it Linking Words
, these sellers have become a boon to my friends as they live on a tiny monthly budget. Linking Words
, these places act as an all in one where even the food, clothing and movies are Linking Words
made available.So, it becomes an attractive option for many.
In conclusion, with time people tend to think smartly and prefer places which offer discounts. Linking Words
, in order to encourage the native businessmen as they are the sole breadwinners for their families citizens should Linking Words
consider buying from them as it indirectly encourages local development due to the fact that bigger malls belong to other countries and money goes overseas.Linking Words