In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem?

A number of useful tools are invented in the agricultural sector, but there is still hunger in developing countries over the world. Environmental issues and climate
as drought, hurricanes, and so on, may influence
circumstance. Even though we can’t control and manage these natural disasters, agrarians can save and prevent their crops from these harsh phenomena by using advanced technologies.
, these days global warming is gradually increasing day by day, and it significantly affects the farming and agricultural outputs. Particularly, the drought became more frequent in the
decade and it had to do with global warming.
For instance
, the fire caused by dry air destroys the land of farming in countless countries.
As a result
, agricultural outputs are decreased,
it creates a lack of food in developing countries.
, people should more attention to climate
and take real and substantial actions against it because most foods are grown up from our nature, the ground.
, every individual can contribute to fighting global warming, we should
our life behaviours from luxury to environmentally friendly.
For instance
, hikers and travellers in a forest during the dry season should be more careful about losing fire or small blaze due to the fact that it can form an enormous fire covering the whole forest. In conclusion, global warming is one of the attentional reasons for agrarians, and they should know what actions to take in a drought year and how to save their crops.
, every individual’s contribution against climate
is crucial for saving nature, we should
our lifestyle and behaviour. The time has come more aloud voice about the environment and real actions of our generations are needed.
Submitted by mgl2666 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • inequality
  • distribution
  • access to resources
  • climate change
  • natural disasters
  • political factors
  • economic factors
  • agricultural practices
  • infrastructure
  • transportation
  • population growth
  • education
  • knowledge
  • food waste
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