In today's world, people can access all types of information online. Some laud that,
advancement might make the contemporary mode of teaching obsolete. Having said that, I disagree with the averred statement and opine that, notwithstanding the positive impact of the internet, schools are essential for every child's mental, physical and social development and Linking Words
, they are irreplaceable. Linking Words
essay will elucidate the said agreement.
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and most importantly, Education institutions are built not only to promote education but Linking Words
to inculcate the sense of well being in the children. Linking Words
, they embed discipline and a sense of responsibility in their students; the trait which cannot be bestowed through technology. Linking Words
For instance
, kids often face detentions for their bad conduct and Linking Words
, are rewarded for their achievements, thereby, building a sense of accountability and responsibility in them. Linking Words
In addition
, kids generate a unique bond of friendship amongst themselves and learn to socialise with their peers which is a remarkable social skill and cannot be generated through computers.
Admittedly, the impact of technology is significant and people can access anything at the swipe of their fingers. Linking Words
, the positive impact of the traditional mode of studies, as mentioned above, outweighs the said ease of access. Like, children would need constant supervision, if they are left alone with the internet because of unlimited reach to data, Linking Words
the same is not required when they are at school as there are teachers to do the same. Linking Words
, an online mode of teaching (which we experienced during the current pandemic) can bridge the gap between the averred dispute, but the same can only be considered as an alternative and not a permanent solution.
In conclusion, it is safe to state that data available online is essential for good knowledge, Linking Words
, the social and psychological development in the younger generation can only be introduced through the traditional way of teaching.Linking Words