You recently attended a meeting at a hotel. When you returned home, you found you had left some important papers at hotel. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter -say where you think you left the papers -explain why they are so important -tell the manager what you want him/her to do

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing you to inform
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my official network diagram was lost while I was participating in a conference at your motel on the 16th of
month. As per my realization, I lost it on conference room number 203 as I was carrying
critical document with me to absorb related materials. After returning to my room,
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meeting was held on that particular day, which took my attention away from
document. That report contains the IT structure of my bank, which could create havoc in the financial industry, in case, it goes to corrupt hands;
, your kind attention is required to regain
evidence back, which will be beneficial to save my job.
, it is an original report that ought
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be misplaced. Checking lost stuff that was deposited by your staff on that day at your motel must assist, and my offer for returning
evidence for your employee is $500. My
visit to your resort is on the 25th of
month. I am awaiting your response. Yours faithfully, Ryan Smith
Submitted by toriqul1976 on

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