Many people work long hours, leaving very little time for leisure activities. Does this situation have more advantages or more disadvantages?

Companies always seek more ways to improve productivity and it is not ideally obtained by working a standardized shift.
, several individuals have opted for functioning additional hours to deliver more production, resulting in a decline in their
for leisure activities. In my opinion, the disadvantages associated with
practice outweigh the advantages and will substantiate my view in the course of the essay. To commence with, dedicating more hours in a day towards
without adequate leisure
disrupts the
life balance.
In other words
, if an individual is spending more than a fixed period in a day to
, he
she might not be able to spend personal
with his
her family,
, affects the private life to a greater extent.
For instance
, several individuals prefer to spend their idle
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with family by participating in activities,
as watching the Television or playing indoor games, which is regarded as family bonding due to the quality
spent with the members.
, one of the other disadvantages is the impact on their physical and mental well-being. Having long shifts on a day-to-day basis appear to make an individual deprived of the activities that provide relaxation and pleasure along with maintaining basic fitness levels. It is often observed that the public utilize their spare hour playing sports,
as Football, Tennis and various other sports.
will help them relieve stress and anxiety associated with their professional pressure along with ensuring the maintenance of their physical health. In conclusion,
it is believed that spending more
working might help everyone to increase their productivity and deliver the desired results, it is
primal to keep our
life balance intact together with our health in terms of both mental and physical well-being. I believe that the benefits of the dedication of extra hours towards performing tasks are relatively few when compared to the drawbacks.
Submitted by jabeenfarhana9 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • work-life balance
  • mental well-being
  • burnout
  • stress relief
  • productivity
  • economic growth
  • career progression
  • skill enhancement
  • quality time
  • financial security
  • leisure activities
  • physical health
  • personal relationships
  • stress-related illnesses
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