Female too can do what male can do, and even do it with execellence.Some people argue that thay can do most of the things that male couterparts can not do.Although,the evidence available is that their work is not recognised as they offer services at the expense of their abode.As the adage says women place is in their household.My opinion, wemen have equal opportunities just as men.Therefore, they should be allowed to exploit their potentials.
The modern world have made several platform for both gender and wemen are not left behind in this revolution.Firstly,the heavy machineries that were associted with men can also be driven by wemen.To illustrate this the current super highway being built involve both men and wemen.For instance,a recent research finding demonstrate that wemen are the best drivers when it comes to the use of heavy tracks.Secondly,when it comes to honesty at work wemen are deemed to be better because they remain accountable to every cash in the business.For example,quickmat supermarkets all the counter personels are wemen.Therefore,wemen are good at handling heavy machineries and also trustworthy comparatively.
Nevertheless,some individuals are for the idea that wemen place is in their abode because thay are the ones who takes care of the children.Although, the duties can be deligated,some believe that children can only be comfortable at the feet of their mums.Furthermore,it is the ladies who take care of their husbands owing to the fact that they are married to be at home.Thus,the place of wemen is in their household.
In summary,ladies should be given equal opprotunity in the current world in order to exploit their abilities in construction field and businesses.Moreover,having wemen at home will limit this possibilities.
Sabina Hamisi