Many people believe that it is easier to have a healthy lifestyle in the countryside. Others believe that there are health benefits to living in big cities. Please share your opinion.

A healthy lifestyle leads to a balanced life.
, living in rural or urban areas is now a perennial debate to many folks. Both views are justifiable, but personally, I lean towards the latter.
of all, it is impossible to not overstate the cleanliness of the air in the countryside as there are very few cars and traffic on the road. It brings us closer to nature and stays away from the hustle and bustle of life in the city. People living there lead a simple life in a natural environment because they do not have to compete at work or school.
, they are offered a cheaper cost of living.
, we could say that living in promoted areas is best in decreasing the rate of having mental
as depression or over-anxiety.
, despite some aforementioned
benefits in rural districts, I do think it is still a must to reside in a metropolitan area. The main reason is city dwellers are offered high-quality
care services while many hospitals and infirmaries are mostly located here. Good medicines or vaccines are likely to be available in a big city
as cities are on the top of the priority list.
, emergency services are always there on time to handle sudden problems.
In addition
, water and foodstuff will be accessible within reach. In short, both have their pros and cons.
, I believe urban areas’
benefits have outweighed the rural’s due to modern amenities and more high-quality medical systems.
Submitted by tonykim09 on

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