Increasingly, many young people are deciding to work or study in other countries. What are the causes of this phenomenon? Do you think it is a positive or negative situation?

There is an increase in the rate of youth seeking employment or studies in foreign places. I think
is entirely bad for the sending places but good for receiving ones.
essay discusses
as well as
the causes of
phenomenon. First and foremost, many young people choose to go out because there are no jobs at home and
as well as
to get better educational opportunities abroad. When local governments do not create employment, it is easier for youthful populations to opt to go out, as in the case of Zimbabwe where unemployment stands at 95 per cent.
, some go out to seek better qualifications, in educational institutions ranked highly in the world.
For example
, doing a Master's degree in Europe guarantees one a valuable certificate and transcript which can be used to search for rewarding careers. I think
scenario is totally positive for the receiving nations because they gain skilled talents (in the case of work immigrants),
for example
, Australia, Canada and New Zealand which have always announced shortages in certain skills. They
gain an improved status for receiving foreigners (in the case of both students and workers).
For instance
, many universities abroad raise their rankings when they increase the number of international learners.
On the other hand
, it is extremely negative for the sending countries who lose present and future human resources and skills. These foreigners could have developed their own motherlands but were stifled by limited opportunities and went on to be assets for other lands. In summary,
, both pull and push factors are active as causes of migration for young people. I find
outflow of the youth to be both positive, especially for destination areas, and negative, especially for sending societies.
position has been justified in the essay above.

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph has a clear central idea and that all sentences within that paragraph support this idea.
task achievement
Support your points with more specific and varied examples to strengthen your arguments.
coherence cohesion
Work on developing more cohesive devices to help link your ideas together more smoothly. This will enhance the logical flow of your essay.
task achievement
You have identified and explained several causes of young people moving abroad, addressing the task prompt thoroughly.
coherence cohesion
Your essay contains a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps frame your discussion well.
task achievement
You have used relevant and precise examples to support your points, making your arguments more compelling.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Globalization
  • Interconnected
  • Higher education
  • Prestigious institutions
  • Research facilities
  • Career advancement
  • International experience
  • Resume
  • Cultural exchange
  • Immerse
  • Broaden worldviews
  • Economic factors
  • Unemployment
  • Quality of life
  • Standards of living
  • Healthcare
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