Buying things on the internet, such asbooks, air ticket and groceries, is becoming more and more popular. Do the advantages of shopping this way outweigh the disadvantages?

It is often believed that with the advent of modern technology, purchasing some items online,
for instance
, books, air tickets and edibles, is becoming well favoured among customers. I strongly agree that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and will state my reasons in
essay. To start with, one major disadvantage of online shopping is the possibility of buying fake items, damaged, or low-quality products.
In other words
, an individual may purchase counterfeit, marred or inferior goods via the net, but since he was not there in person, may be unable to ascertain the viability of what he is getting.
For example
, I once bought some groceries from a wall in Owerri in Imo State, Nigeria, but failed to realize that the majority were not in good condition when placing an order.
, there is the problem of shipment delays associated with the online acquisition of products. To elaborate, sometimes customers would have to wait for long to receive deliveries of their orders because of logistic issues, or even carelessness of staff of shipping companies.
, creating anxiety.
, there are multiple advantages that emanate from getting essentials via the internet. The major benefit is time-saving. People who acquire needs online save time and could reinvest it into something more demanding. To illustrate
, a medical surgeon who has many surgeries lined up to perform, and wants to buy an air ticket for a summer trip to the States, do not need to go to a travel agency to purchase his ticket. He only needs to make a reservation through his mobile phone.
way, he could attend to his primary duty.
In addition
, consumers have the benefit of comparing prices between different e-stores
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and patronizing the one that best fits their budget, yet providing satisfaction.
, a buyer has the opportunity to return spoilt commodities, and express their minds on the poor quality of service rendered, if
electronic shops have that kind of service. To summarize,
online shopping presents disadvantages
as, procuring impaired and
-class goods,
, it is outweighed by the merits of time-saving, comparison of prices, and replacement of damaged products.
Submitted by joebukky143 on

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