The development of tourism has contributed to English becoming the most prominent language in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken globally. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one language in the world?

Due to the increment of leisure travelling in recent years,
has become the most used
worldwide. It is thought that the outcome of
event will result in having only one
for the whole world. Even though the idea of a unique
may lure everyone into communion, it has some drawbacks to be considered to maintain cultures and diversification. The disadvantages of having a unique
spoken globally will lead to the rupture of cultures, and even worse, limitation of development due to some psychology theories. Many, if not all civilizations are deeply bound to their dialect, having words for food, clothes, customs dances and many traditions only expressed in their own jargon.
is a bast
, it cannot express completely every detail from recent and antique civilizations.
In addition
, there is a psychology theory, in concrete the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, that states how a
changes the way you think and make decisions.
That is
due to the words being interpreted differently in all languages and it is similar to time tenses. A prime example is Japanese, where words are genderless and they possess only two time tenses: past and present.
, people thinking in Japanese will take their actions and decisions only in the present and rarely fall into procrastination.
On the other hand
, the idea of sharing just one
promotes significant benefits,
as an increment in touristry opportunities and a reduction of conflicts due to
barriers. Just as mentioned earlier, if
becomes the only
every person should have their mind aligned to the same cognitive process leading to a better understanding and instant assimilation, and it is now perceived as the main advantage.
, it increases the opportunities to do more travelling whilst it reduces the fear of the unknown that experience a myriad of people when visiting different countries.
situation is clearly visible in statistics, where
speaking people travel without limits, Spanish speakers tend to visit countries from the Hispanic sector only. In conclusion, whilst having a global
may seem like an improvement to unite humanity, a lot of diversity and cultures will get destroyed in the process. It is advised to have in mind that the drawbacks are greater than the benefits of having just one
in the whole world.
Submitted by ivan.go on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Prominent
  • Contribute
  • Global
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Communication
  • Understanding
  • Ease
  • Business
  • Trade
  • Cultural exchange
  • Unity
  • Access
  • Information
  • Simplify
  • Travel
  • Tourism
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