Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people think that this cannot be changed, while others believe actions can be taken to bring about a change. Discuss both sides of the argument and give your opinion.

It is irrefutable that human behaviour toward nature is imprudent which impact the whole ecosystem.
, there are predominately thaughts in one section of society about some strict rules can save nature and others view nothing can be done.
, I am going to discuss both sides viewpoints. Apparently, To fulfil our greediness, mankind has always harmed nature
as cutting trees, killing animals for test buds and
some expensive ornaments.
and foremost there is continuous deforestation in most of the near around cities to build houses and market complexes. Due to ,
the animals living in the jungle are impacted, in many cases during the process they have been killed.
, one has to see climate change lot
become unpredictable.
For instance
recently snowfall we have heard in UAE which is a deserted area and had never seen previously. Extreme rain, floods and excessively hot weather are common effects of
, does the planet belongs to a human being only? Certainly no, God has created
earth for all species and plants, so individuals cant claim their own and keep hitting.
, the government can create rules
put them strictly to save the environment. For ,instance in Temes river in London no industry or City waste will be flown to, Because of the uncompromising rule created
extremely high plenty implemented in one who breaks the law in town. Local authorities and society people should take care of any unwanted strike to surrounding places. To conclude, himenbeing damaging the earth environments for his own benefits, as result we are seeing the harsh seasons, uncurable diseases, loss of agriculture land and many species are no more exists. Mother earth is for everyone and if require to save some hard rule
the government must form
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Submitted by namita.sinha25 on

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