Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do

There is no doubt that mankind industrial revolution had devastating effects on mother nature.
, there are various actions that could be taken to limit their negative effects on earth.
To begin
with, people are destroying the earth in several ways.
, by producing excessive amounts of polluted materials and exposing them to natural habitats.
is mainly because of improper treating of our wastes.
For example
, thousands of factories are disposing of chemical waste into rivers and
, it led to water pollution.
In addition
to that, numerous nations are over-utilizing the earth resources to grant a rapid growth of their economies.
behaviours had devastating environmental impacts in damaging our natural environment.
On the other hand
, there are different solutions to tackle issues related to the environment. On governmental levels, authorities must issue legalisations to control and limit the overuse of natural resources. Because of
type of strict regulations, industrial corporators will have to find other environmental-friendly solutions.
For instance
, using green energy or renewable sources
of coal or fossil fuels. Individuals
can play a crucial role in addressing the problem by implementing recycling processes in their daily consumable materials.
For instance
, reducing the use of plastic cups or paperwork in offices. Eventually, the results can be seen in more stable resources for future generations. To conclude, it is clear that people have negative various impacts on nature.
, certain actions related to laws and recycling could reduce the impacts we are placing on our environment.
Submitted by moh_zno on

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