Nowadays, sports and cultural events gained overwhelming popularity. We can actually notice that many people spend huge amounts of money to attend it.
essay will demonstrate both the negative and positive aspects of Linking Words
Linking Words
and foremost, the main purpose behind Linking Words
tendency is all about passion. Buying tickets that cost an arm and a leg does not represent an obstacle for those who are searching for enjoyment, a great atmosphere, and an exclusive experience. Watching events on the television or on the internet is incomparable to enjoying it live as the jam is completely different. Linking Words
For instance
, in England, football is known to be the most popular sport in the country, and even if the stadium prices are ridiculous you find above 65 000 spectators for each game which is mind-blowing. Each supporter came to celebrate, enjoy, sing, and live the experience without minding the price.
Linking Words
, in Linking Words
decade, the events prices are considered to be much expensive. Linking Words
, it targets a particular category of customers and would not be accessible to everyone. Many people cannot afford these tickets even if they wish to, and, unfortunately, Linking Words
represents a major drawback regarding Linking Words
trend. Sports and cultural leaders need to work hand in hand with governments to fix an acceptable price in order to open the doors to everyone. The concrete example, here in Morocco, is the Oasis festival which is a techno and electro event that cost 200 $ for the entrance. Linking Words
is an absurd price and definitely not affordable for everyone.
To summarize, people look after Linking Words
kind of event in order to sort out some steam. It is an entertaining experience for those who can take part in it, but it is not destined for all of us and maybe making discounts can be very interesting.Linking Words