Many elderly people are no longer looked after by their families but are put in care homes or nursing homes. what are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

In modern, society an increasing number of the older population spent their retirement in homes for elderly people
of being looked after by their families. In
essay, I will describe the pros and cons of
To begin
with, we live in a very busy era where every hour makes a big difference and is considered a precious asset. We are more and more concerned about how and with whom we spent our free hours due to, work which consumes most of our day. Taking responsibility for an older family member is often seen as an extra job, which requires a lot of time and large energy investment, after an intense day full of duties.
For instance
, as research has shown most than 50% of elderly society members, spend their life feeling lonely and forgotten by their relatives. Placing them at
homes, in many cases, provide better concern, interesting activities with people at the same age,
reassuring 24 hours attention and nursing from home
's staff.
On the other hand
, there is a belief that we should spend life with our relatives and give them needed help and attention, in spite of being overwhelmed with everyday tasks and demanding lifestyle. The old generation thinks that it is a young population obligation to provide support and look after their relatives, at the same time allowing them to spend their retirement at the place they live.
For example
, many elderlies prefer to stay at their house and live with their families,
, they do not think about their busy lifestyles and require from them undivided attention, which they can not give, in a consequence it can cost misunderstandings and an unhealthy atmosphere. In conclusion, I believe that the advantages of putting family members in
homes are much greater than the disadvantages of
trend. Having 24 hours
, can save and provide a better life for many older communities.
, these decisions need to be considered with all family members, in agreement with a person who will be living in the nursing apartment.
Submitted by genises.a on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Professional care
  • Medical attention
  • Trained staff
  • Social interaction
  • Combat loneliness
  • Safety and security
  • Relief for families
  • Loss of autonomy
  • Emotional impact
  • Cost
  • Financial strain
  • Quality of care
  • Neglect and abuse
  • Detachment from family
  • Mental wellbeing
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